Almost every day, the meagres, mullets, small herring and lamprey fished by Yannick aboard « Atalante II » arrive in the canning facility to be processed on site. The fish are served with small vegetables from a local grower in Saint-Dizant-du-Gua or directly from their garden.
Délice de Maubert produces around thirty cans a week, made without preservatives. On the shelves you'll find: Herbed Herring, Herring eggs, Lamprey à la bordelaise (using a recipe from Yannick's grandmother), Estuary Chowder from Meagre, Mussels and Shrimps, Meagre Paté, Mullet Paté and Terrines, Mullet à la provençale, Mackerel Paté...

To supplement sales, the canning facility also sells fresh fish from Yannick's catch (Mullet, Meagre, Sea Bass, Eel and White Shrimp) and from a wholesaler in La Rochelle (Hake, Cod, Sole, Skate,
Red Mullet, Mackerel, Sardines and Seafood). They also get provisions from a fisherman in La Cotinière (isle of Oléron) to make Cuttlefish à la provencale.
More information:
Délice de Maubert, 40 rue des Pêcheurs, port Maubert, 17240 Saint-Fort-sur-Gironde.
Tel.: +33(0)6 88 83 95 48. Open every day from 9.00am to 7.30pm, except Sunday, from 10.00am to 7.30pm.
Prices: Mackerel Paté €4, 800 g of Fish Soup €5.40, 800g of Lamprey à la bordelaise €25, 250g Meagre Paté €6.
Valérie Destremau: The cook. She's a trained écailleur (sea food specialist).
Sabrina Pajaud: The salesgirl.
Yannick Gadrat: The fisherman. Fishing has been in the family for five generations. His grandmother used to make canned Lamprey à la bordelaise.